Chapter 6 - The encounter

Estimated reading time: ±3 minutes

I walk calmly along the side of the road towards the town that had been indicated to me. Cars drive by me like nothing happened. A car finally stops. A woman drives the car. She looks me in the eye, I look her in the eye too. She smiles for a brief moment and lowers her car window.

Woman: Need to go somewhere?
Wamien: Depends where you go, I go to Dais.

Telling me I could use the young woman to get there faster.

Woman: I go this way, I can take you there if you want.

She press the button that unlocks the passenger door.

Wamien : Okay, thank you.

I open the car door, sit down and tie myself up.

Woman: What is your name, sir?

She says that to me by turning her head towards me, giving a small blow with her beautiful and long blond hair.

Wamien: Wamien, and you?
Clara: I'm Clara. Clara Nairo.
Wamien : Nice to meet you, Mrs Clara Nairo.
Clara: Me too, Mr. Wamien.

The road to the city was not very long. We went downtown.

Clara: Um, Wamien?

She's blushing a little.

Wamien : Yes?
Clara: I can leave you my contact details if you ever want to come back to town.
Wamien: Okay.

She smiled, took a piece of paper, wrote down her contact information. I take the paper, put it in my pants pocket and get out of the car. I turn around and lean a little towards her.

Wamien : Thanks for the lift.
Clara: Always a pleasure to help others.

She answered with a smile before leaving to do her things. I look around wondering where I should be going. I discreetly plug the USB stick into a small place on my wrist. The GPS shows me the direction to take to get into the building. A block apparently was facing me. It is therefore easy for me to enter as if nothing had happened. I enter and head towards the block apparently Mickaël. I'm putting my eyes in heat detector mode. There was someone in the apartment, a man, sure it was Michael. I knock gently on the door. I see the man's reaction, a start. He gets up and walks to the door. He opens it a little.

Mickaël: Yes?
Wamien : Hello, Mr Stephan?
Mickaël : Yes, can I help you?

He seemed a little disturbed, as if we were cutting him off in what he was doing.

Wamien : I would like to know if you would like to go on a trip to the kingdom of Mahinu. I won a coupon to go, but I don't need it.
Mickaël : I don't know you and no thanks, I already lived there.

I had time to slide my foot to prevent the door from closing.

Wamien : Well, more seriously, I know things about you, Mr. Stephan. You better cooperate if you want a fair trial.
Mickaël: Get the hell out of my house!

The man tries to punch me in the face that I duck without difficulty. I take out a pair of handcuffs hidden at the level of my belt and attach a wrist to it. The man retreats both surprised and frustrated and tries to kick me. I block him with my forearm and enter his house to try to immobilize him on the ground. I put him against a wall and dropped him flat on the floor. I grab his arms and put them behind his back to handcuff him. I get out a phone and call Darakei.

Wamien: I caught him.
Darakei : Where can you come back with him without any problem?
Wamien : Come get us, I still have to get his data.
Mickaël : And with what password?

Mickaël cut me in the middle of my sentence, smiling, he had no intention of giving it to me.

Darakei: We're coming to get you.