Our Univese stories...

Here are all the stories and mini-stories that relate to the New Human Universe.

  • Taste of Blood

    Saeko Black's peripethecies, the lonely vampire. Her story takes place 6 years before The First Cyborg, but Saeko is physically only 19 years old.

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  • The First Cyborg - Volume 1

    Wamien Mata is the first human being to become a cyborg following a fire. He will discover a fabulous thing later, he is one of the few humans to possess a power, his is the control of technology. He will meet several other people in his case and realize that he has a major role to play in all this.

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  • The First Cyborg - Volume 2

    This is the story of Wamien and the guild two years after the Black Eagles were locked up. Cases of new humans are more and more frequent and not all keep good intentions for their powers. The guild will therefore have to grow and train new members to confront and neutralize new humans who harm ordinary humans like you.

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  • The Red Ravens

    After the destruction of the AMIS, Daryl was forced to work for the Legion. He took advantage of his power over gravity to escape and return to Damonia. With Darakei's help, he has reproduced the power inhibitor and then heads to Hutlia where he will meet some young adults with powers and form with them the Red Ravens, a vigilante group aimed at reducing crime in the cities of Hutlia and Domotress.

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  • Power of Nature

    Gaïa was always a young woman who was very interested in plants and nature. Not surprisingly, its power lies in the control of plants.

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  • The Black Eagles Mastodon

    Kellan Brogran is Drake's mastodon in the Black Eagles. But he wasn't always a mastodon, before he was small and stunted. His power has completely changed him.

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  • The Calpeo Monster

    Tim Allam, resident in the town of Calpeo in the country of Mahinu, will be the victim of a car accident. The young man of average height and size will not have surprisingly nothing, due to his super strength power which is engaged under the effect of adrenaline.

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  • The Guild Wings

    Sam Mithus is a sporty and popular young man at his school. He is very involved in student life and the sports that are practiced at his school. But thinking he has an injury, he will stop school sports and embark on his new life as a New Human.

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  • The Invisible Defender

    Jack Amidus is a lonely and intelligent young man. However, he must live in a city where crime is on the rise.

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