Chapter 14 - Saeko the thirsty

Estimated reading time: ±6 minutes

It's been two months now since the money started growing in the bank accounts. I've been moving money from account to account trying to pretend that people have their routines. I stretch out with a sigh, I had been up all night creating scripts to find out how much is being sent into the various accounts, how much is being withdrawn and the profits from each account. I get up and go to my room, I open my little fridge with the blood bags and take one, my fangs came out of them when I saw the blood. I bite into the bag and start drinking. I shouldn't have waited more than four days before drinking, I'm so hungry. I empty the bag in less than a minute and sit on my bed. I keep my eyes closed and breathe to try to calm myself down. I lick my lips and teeth. I feel ecstatic, that blood was so good.

Eventually I open my eyes, I can smell someone other than Drake or Ray. I get up and go see. I hear him talking with Drake. Who is this guy, his blood has a good smell. I arrive in the same room as the two of them and Drake is facing a man who has three heads more than him and it's a mountain of muscle.

Saeko: Hello? Who are you?

Both heads turn towards me, I have my arms folded.

Drake: This is Kellan, you can easily see his power.
Saeko: He's a big muscle man?
Drake: Sort of, yeah.
Kellan: Who are you then?
Saeko: I'm Saeko, the strongest vampire.
Kellan: There's no such thing.
Saeko: There isn't?

I pull out my fangs and come closer. Kellan stares at me and takes a step back.

Kellan: Yeah, that's good.

I smile, I like to impress with my fangs.

Saeko: Also you smell good. Your blood type tends to taste great!

Kellan takes another step back, but still seems to be on his guard.

Saeko: Finally! I've just finished eating and I'm sticking to my figure so you're safe for now, big guy!

I manage to give him a pat on the shoulder and dodge his fist.

Saeko: A bit slow, we'll have to work on that. But first!

I step back a bit, he doesn't really like me. But then, I don't care about his whims for the moment.

Saeko: A makeover might not hurt you.
Kellan: I dressed with what I found, not easy for my size.
Saeko: I know a guy who can help you with that, but he lives out of town. I'm going to see what we need to do first, probably some action.
Drake: You've got a stylist, don't you?
Saeko: Like any self-respecting lady! Besides, he won't mind if I pay him in cash.
Drake: I'm surprised you didn't tell me.
Saeko: Oh my dear, I would never give you all the information I have hm~

I'm digging in my pants.

Saeko: Do a T pose, I'll take pictures!

Kellan sighs and does it. I take pictures all around him. I look at Drake.

Saeko: Come on, your turn.
Drake: Why me?
Saeko: Shh, come on!

I do the same with him.

Saeko: Where's Ray?
Drake: I don't know, in his room?
Saeko: Tss, you're in a really bad mood, I'll make you look like hell and you talk to me like that~
Drake: You're holding out on us, and I don't like it.
Saeko: Don't be childish, you're the team leader, not me.

I'm going to see Ray and knock on the door.

Saeko: Ray! I don't know what you're doing, but open the door.

I hear a little noise, I surprised him.

Ray: Oh, yeah, I'm coming.

It's better if I don't know what he was doing in there. He opens the door when he finishes putting on his sweater.

Saeko: I don't want to explain, but come out and put yourself in T pose.
Ray: Like the people in motion capture?
Saeko: If you say so, come on.

Ray does it and lets me take pictures.

Ray: What's that for?
Saeko: New look, as simple as that.
Ray: Cool!
Saeko: It's ok.

I'm going to my room and close the door. I dial my stylist, Edwin, he hasn't seen me in a while. I put back my phone from my ear, I know he's going to yell at the phone when he answers.

Edwin: Saeko! So glad you called me! What have you been up to, gorgeous!?

I'm smiling a little, predictable. I'm putting the phone back on my ear.

Saeko: I have some... friends of mine, we're going to need you.
Edwin: For new outfits? You know I'm your man for that!
Saeko: For the first one, he will need civilian clothes as well.
Edwin: Easy!
Saeko: I'll send you the photos! When can I pick them up?
Edwin: How far away are you by car?
Saeko: Five or six hours at the most?
Edwin: Perfect, for how many people?
Saeko: Four, including me.
Edwin: Is this a new team? You haven't had a team for a long time!
Saeko: I've got the photos and it's just for fun.
Edwin: You can come and go tomorrow if you want.
Saeko: I'll send you the pictures.

I send him all twelve pictures and put my phone back on my ear.

Edwin: What kind of power does the first one have to be like that? The second one is cute, will you introduce him to me some day?
Saeko: He is not interested in men.
Edwin: He looks like your kind of man.
Saeko: Shhh, is it okay for the pictures?
Edwin: Yes, I'll see you tonight.
Saeko: Yep!

I hang up and change. I'm packing a bag for my clothes for tomorrow and taking some bags and a blood bag. I get out of my room and go meet Drake.

Saeko: Drake, I'm leaving for the night, he's going to make us outfits and clothes for the big dadet.
Drake: You'll be back soon?
Saeko: Sometime tomorrow.
Drake: Okay then.
Saeko: Drake.
Drake: What?

He turns to me. Edwin's right, but now's not the time for that.

Saeko: You can trust me.
Drake: I'm trying, but it's hard when I know you're hiding things from me.
Saeko: You might as well get used to it, I'm like that, I have plans for my plans.
Drake: I see, as long as you don't betray us, I won't shoot you.
Saeko: You're cute when you threaten me, baby~
Drake: I told you not to call me that...
Saeko: I know, but it's cute and it pisses you off, so it's perfect!
Drake: Tsss...

I leave the HQ and head quickly to the place where I hide my bike with the two suitcases on each side. I go in front of one of the walls and put up a shelf before removing a brick behind it, take the key to the bike and the key to the security door. I put the bags in the suitcases and leave for Edwin's shop.