Chapter 3 – The apprentices

Estimated reading time: ±5 minutes

After a good five hours of travel, we have a little time to learn about the new ones. Gabriel knows how to control water, fire, earth and air in a limited way. Ezekiel can control water in different forms. Todd knows how to make his body elastic and Thomas can modify the shape of his bones and create others, but he does not yet control his power. Once in town, Bailey went to park in front of The Guild HQ, Jack arrived a little later and parked right next to us.

Jack: We're here, everybody down!

Everyone got out of both cars. Wamien took a brief look at the new recruits. A young man was looking for where he was, the one who had the power to make any part of his body elastic. I approach the young man and introduce myself.

Wamien : Hello, my name is Wamien Mata and I am the leader of this place called the Guilde.
Todd : For a leader, you don't really care about other people's interests.
Wamien : Okay then what was your interest in staying in Abaltia?
Todd: Taking care of my family? Finish my studies to get my degree?
Wamien : All right, then we'll drive you home if you wish, but if you have problems with your power. I want you to know that you can contact us anytime.
Todd : Okay.

I feel that the young man would not contact us again if he ever had a problem with his power.

Wamien : Are there other people who don't want to stay?
Gabriel: I want to stay and learn to better control my power.
Thomas: If it helps me control my power, I stay here!
Ezekiel : I want to help people with my power over water so I stay.
Wamien : Perfect then Bailey can drive Todd back to Abaltia.
Todd: Perfect.

Todd went straight to the car where Bailey was waiting. I sighed thinking of Angélique who was to arrive in the next few days.

Sarah: So, young people! You want a tour?
Thomas : With pleasure.
Gabriel: Personally, I'm hungry.
Sandrine: I'll go make you something to eat, go show the new kids around, sister.
Sarah: Yep! Come on, guys, follow me.

Sarah went on a tour of the place with the newcomers. Kémy, Kameron and Thalie arrive near Wamien smiling, they had an idea in mind.

Thalie: Say, Wam, do you have any idea who's going to teach them how to use their powers?
Wamien : I didn't really think about it...
Kémyanne : We can deal with them, if you want?
Wamien: Okay, but take care of them.
Kameron: Of course, don't worry.
Wamien : I'm going to go see Clara to help her place the new ones' rooms.

Sam comes in with two suitcases, he was out talking to the kids' parents.

Sam: I managed to contact Ezekiel and Gabriel's parents, but Thomas' parents don't want to know. They are ashamed of their child by being aware of his power.
Wamien : Oh no, we'll have to buy him some clothes then.
Sam : I can go, I leave you the suitcases?
Wamien: Leave the suitcases here, but whose is it?
Sam: The blue suitcase belongs to Ezekiel and the grey one to Gabriel.
Wamien : All right, I'll take care of that.

Sam flew back to a mall to buy clothes for Thomas. Sarah would finish showing the place to the newcomers and return to the main building.

Gabriel: It's a really cool place!
Sarah: Yeah, you'll see, it's almost like a big summer camp since you can go back to your parents without problems.
Thomas: If our parents want to see us again.
Sarah: Don't be ridiculous, what kind of parent doesn't want to see their child again?
Thomas: Mine, with an alcoholic father, it's almost as if I raised myself.
Gabriel : But you are not alone now, you have us!
Thomas: Yeah, that's cool though.

Thomas looks up at me.

Thomas: Said, would you help me control my power?
Kameron : I want to help you, what I was told, you know how to create and modify the shape of your bones?
Thomas: Yeah, but it really hurts...
Kameron: It's like when I started using my power.
Thomas: Really?

There Thomas was now intrigued by Kameron's power. Both left for the backyard to start practicing.

Sarah: My sister should be done making dinner, are we going inside?
Gabriel: I follow you.
Ezekiel: Yeah, I'm hungry too now.
Wamien: I think we're all hungry. Ahah!

Clara went out with Gaïa to take care of vegetable plantations and fruit trees.

Wamien : Hi my beautiful, hi Gaïa, look who joins us.
Gaia: Hi.

Gaia smiles softly. Ezekiel blushes a little in Gaia.

Clara: Hi, boys, you must be the new Abaltia boys! I'm Clara, Wamien's fiancée.

Clara's coming to take my hand. Clara loved telling everyone we were engaged since I proposed.

Wamien : I don't think it was much use saying the last sentence, you know.
Clara: Yeah, but that's okay!
Wamien : All right, I'll let you and Gaïa go do your stuff.

Clara and Gaia continue their journey. As we return to see Thalie and Kemyanne already eating. We will join them and Sandrine always seems so happy to see that her dishes are appreciated by so many people.

Sandrine: Bon appétit! Eat well because tomorrow Thalie and Kémyanne will train you!
Thalie : It's true! Ezekiel, I would train you to master your powers on the water.
Kémyanne : And I'll take care of you Gabriel.
Gabriel: But what are your powers?
Thalie : I can change objects into cash and give them shape again.
Kémyanne : I know how to get through walls.
Ezekiel: That's cool!

I smile, happy to see that the newcomers are integrating well and already have someone who wants to train them.