Chapter 3 - Be strong

Estimated reading time: ±5 minutes

As soon as I arrived at GenCorp, they took my identity, took my blood and assigned me to a room. They asked me for my phone so I wouldn't contact people from the outside. I've been in the room for a few hours waiting for the results. If I could at least visit the place, time would pass a little faster.

I lie on my bed and admire the immaculate white ceiling, a bit like that of hospitals. The door opens and I turn my head towards it, surprised by its movement. I stand up slowly and watch the lady approach.

Scientist: Hi Tim, we have your blood test results.
Tim: So what?
Scientist: Darakei asked me to show you around the floor and the common rooms.
Tim: Oh, thank you so much.

I get up from my bed and approach the lady. The lady turned to leave the room and headed to the right. I follow her to avoid getting lost in the maze of corridors and rooms and especially to avoid trouble.

I follow the lady and look around me, relatively intimidated by the look of the scientists present. I'm focusing on following the lady. We arrive next to a room with armoured doors and two armed guards watching the door.

Tim: Um, what do I do now?
Scientist: Come into the room and you'll see.
Tim: What if I don't want to go in?
Scientist: Come in and maybe you'll be done by noon.
Tim: Well... okay...

I walk to the door and one of the guards opens the door after entering a password. I enter the dark room and as I turn around, the doors close behind me.

Tim: Hey! Don't lock me in there!

I run to the door and clench my fist, the sleeve of my sweater tears under the difference in the size of my arm. I move my arm back to knock and give a powerful punch on the door. The metal got a little deformed, but it would take me hundreds of hits to make a hole in the door. The impact still resonates in the room, I turn around and some lights come on.

I pleat my eyes out of reflex and to get used to the light, I notice some kind of metal mannequins. Maybe I should break them? I look around, see if I can see anything else. I clench my fists and my arms get bigger, as do my torso and legs. I run to the metal mannequins and bust the first one with a punch. I jump on the second and crush it with my feet. I look around me and weights come out of the ground.

Scientific: All right, now we'll measure your strength. Start with the 100 pound one.

I approach the weight indicated by the scientist and lift it without problems.

Scientific: Oh, lift the one next to it and keep lifting heavier weights.

I put the weight of 100 pounds and go to the next, 250 pounds according to what is written on the cast iron. I lift it without problem, even if it is heavier than the 100 pounds. I'll put it down and move on to the next one. I continue like this and lift the weight of a ton, I manage to lift it to the level of my hips, but I let it go.

Scientific: Okay, we'll stop there. No need to go to the next one.
Tim: I'll try anyway!
Scientist: One ton is already a huge feat, Tim.

I go to the next weight and take it with both hands. I start to lift it and my arms get a little bigger. I manage to lift it up to my shoulders and shake a little. I clench my teeth and push the weight a little further away from me. I look at the door and start running towards the door and charge. I bang on the door and walk back a few steps.

Tim: Ouch... could you open the door now?
Scientist: You still have two more exams to take.
Tim: So! What are you waiting for?! I want out of here!

A path lights up on the ground, it's a race track.

Tim: Speed race?
Scientific: 100 meter speed race and then endurance race.
Tim: All this to be a lab rat.
Scientist: Do what you're asked and then you can go back to your room.

I sighed and stood at the start of the 100 metre track. I start to run after taking an inspiration. I am going faster and faster and finish quickly the 100 meters to go. I get to the end of the track and start slowing down. I place my left foot forward and turn it to the side to slow down and finally stop.

Tim: So! That's good!?
Scientific: Perfect, finally, the endurance race, you have to do 50 laps of tracks as fast as possible.

I go to the start of the race track and start running, I want to get rid of this. I make the 50 turns quickly, I place myself in direction of the door and begin to load.

Scientist: Don't do this Tim! Stop it! Stop it!
Tim: Shut up!

The door opens a little before the impact, I try to slow down and rush into the wall. I fall on the other side of the wall. I hear people running towards me and then I feel something in my neck. Another sleeping thing.

I open my eyes and look around, I am tied up and still muscular. I thought it was temporary.

Tim: Hello! Anybody there? Get me out of here!

I get agitated and try to break the bonds, but I can't. I close my eyes and try to think about how I can get out of here. The door opens, it was Darakei.

Tim: You set me up! Let me out of here!
Darakei: Tim, calm down, it's for your own good that you're here and then, I had orders that the new humans be put under close surveillance...
Tim: I don't care! I want to go home!
Darakei: I'm sorry Tim, I can't do this.

Darakei turns around and goes to the door.

Tim: Darakei! Darakei!

My stomach is gurgling so loud, it must have been past noon and I still haven't eaten.

Darakei: We'll bring you some food.
Tim: At least....

Darakei closes the door and leaves me alone in the room.