Chapter 25 - Shadow clan

Estimated reading time: ±6 minutes

I've been married to Clara for two weeks now, and also a little over a month since The Legion and the Black Eagles have been keeping quiet. I am working tirelessly to help Darakei reproduce the chemical process to recreate the inhibitor. At the same time working on a new version of my armor in artificial metal. So Flynn wouldn't be able to control me and hurt me. Clara comes down and gives me a hot drink. She is very understanding about my hard work, although I feel it exasperates her a little.

I have also noticed that more and more people are registering as New Humans, sometimes even entire families.

GenCorp has a list with all people who have an active or latent gene. So they may know those who have signed and who really have power and those who could have fallen through the cracks and been noted with an inactive gene when the gene has gone active, or they do what can be seen as a false statement.

Unfortunately, GenCorp has experienced times when people have managed to steal fragments of lists, or some competitors who had the same kind of list have been exterminated.

Clara: Waminou, I'm going to spend the evening at Gaïa's.
Wamien: All right, have a good evening, sweetheart.

I get up to give her a kiss. She smiles at me and goes up the basement stairs to get out.

I continue to work for a few hours. I feel a gun pressing against my neck.

Unknown: You move and I'll blow your head off, understood?
Wamien: Understood.
Unknown: You're going to tell me where you hide your documents.
Wamien: I don't have any, it's all in my head.
Unknown: What do you mean in your head?
Wamien: If you allow me to lift my left arm up in the air.
Unknown: Go ahead.

I raise my hand and open my forearm, she can clearly see that I am a cyborg.

Unknown: What is that...

I send a shock wave to her to make her buzz and move her back. I feel that the barrel of the gun stops being pressed against my neck and I turn around. I remove the weapon from the intruder's hands and it is placed to fight.

Wamien: Do you really want to hit a metal being?
Unknown: I know how to fight.

I smile a little and send magnetic handcuffs to the woman's wrists. Forced his hands to rise in the air.

Unknown: What the hell are you doing here?
Wamien: I'm not looking to fight, who sent you?
Unknown: You won't know.
Wamien: So, you want to have my documents, but what kind of documents?
Unknown: The documents of the technologies you are developing.
Wamien: And you were willing to kill me for that?
Unknown: You wouldn't be the first person I've killed.

I sigh and massage my forehead.

Wamien: All right. Obviously you don't have any powers, Alice Hanaï.
Unknown: Who are you talking about, that's not my name.
Wamien: Not according to police documents and photos we have of you, I did a facial recognition.
Alice: And you think you're smart too.
Wamien: That's what you're saying. Which group do you belong to?
Alice: Start by giving me what I want and maybe you'll know.
Wamien: You're not really in a position to negotiate, you know?
Alice: Do you think so?

I smile a little bit, she's the kind of person to provoke.

Wamien: Yep, but you're going to answer a few questions, then maybe I'll give you what you want to know.

Alice turns her head and raises her chin, looking haughty.

Wamien: Which group do you belong to?
Alice: The group that will send men to pick me up if something happens to me.
Wamien: Do you think they're going to send people here? I think the reason they sent you here is because it's a suicide mission.
Alice: I have done more important and dangerous work than extracting documents from a robot.
Wamien: Cyborg....
Alice: It doesn't matter.
Wamien: Okay, the Shadow Clan.
Alice: What? How?
Wamien: Facial recognition, database search for wanted criminals and you are visible on cameras with at least 8 members of the Shadow Clan.
Alice: What I wouldn't give to blow your head off.
Wamien: Not much, why are you interested in my documents? To make super soldiers? Any other robots? Come on, talk. You know I'm gonna find out eventually.
Alice: Fuck you.

I look at her and stay calm, there's no point in getting angry.

Alice: We want to have your documents to sell the technology to mercenary groups.
Wamien: So, in other words, you want my weapons, my armor and the technologies I use?
Alice: Right. And I will not leave without it.
Wamien: Honestly, the only thing you'd be interested in is an electro-magnetic disturbance bomb. The rest is classic, guns, blades, throwing knives.
Alice: Seriously? You just have shit.
Wamien: I have drones too...
Alice: It would be worth it already.
Wamien: So....
Alice: Start by taking off those shitty handcuffs.

I deactivate the handcuffs and Alice massages her wrists.

Alice: So where are the plans?
Wamien: I'm printing this.

I'm watching her as it starts to print. Alice looks at the printer, surprised it's happening on its own.

Wamien: So, where do you know where we are from?
Alice: We have a network of informers.

I think this is my chance to try to find out where the Legion and the Black Eagles are hiding.

Wamien: And what do you need to get information?
Alice: Money mostly.
Wamien: How many?
Alice: Depends on the information you want.
Wamien: The rental of the Legion and the Black Eagles.
Alice: Hm, 30K by location.
Wamien: How many do they have?

Alice shrugs her shoulders.

Alice: I don't know, I'll have to check with my network.
Wamien: All right.

Alice nods her head. I turn around and go to the printer and hand him the papers. I turn to her. She looks at me and extends her hand to take the papers.

Alice: Also, in advance 15K for the news. I'll come get the money and give you the information.
Wamien: How do you want the money?
Alice: In cash, what do you think?
Wamien: Well, I don't know, I've never done anything like that.
Alice: Um, anyway, give me the money and I'll get out of here.
Wamien: I don't have 15K with me...
Alice: Well, you can write a check in the worst case....
Wamien: Okay, I'll do that.
Alice: We're in business then.

I write her a check and guide her to the exit. I watch her ride off on a motorcycle. I sighed with relief to see that she believed when I said that the best technology I had was my drones and electro-magnetic disturbance bombs. I have so many much better technologies to face the Legion and the Black Eagles. I hope they will have information and that I will have enough money to pay them.